FAQ about counselling

We’ve tried to cover most frequently asked questions below.  However, if you have further questions after reading about us and our team, please do not hesitate to email, sms or call us.

  • I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m nervous.  Is this normal?

Most people feel nervous about seeking counselling.  This is entirely understandable when you’re not sure what to expect.  Your counsellor will put you at ease and you will soon discover that we are not mind readers, we do not diagnose, and we do not tell you what to do.  We companion with you as you explore at your pace.  Like any relationship, it will take time for you to feel trusting with your counsellor.  We are deeply mindful and respectful of this.

  • Is it true that only ‘crazy’ people or people with a mental illness or something seriously wrong go to counsellors?

This is a myth.  We can all benefit from talking with a trained professional who can help us make sense of our struggles. 

  • Will I be given a diagnosis?

We do not offer diagnoses.  We work to discover what’s happened rather than what’s wrong.

  • What will I have to talk about?

You may discuss what you wish.  You will not be forced in any way.

  • Am I going to be ‘Bible bashed’?

Not at all.  We recognize that many people have been very hurt and frustrated by others’ strong spiritual beliefs. We are transparent about our spiritual beliefs, but we will not initiate discussion about this or force our views or opinions on our clients.  You will be accepted, respected and certainly not judged or condemned.

  • How long does a session last?

50-60 minutes

  • How many sessions will we/I need?

This not usually mapped out in advance, but rather is established on an individual basis.  We often agree to meet for 4 sessions to get to know some of your history and context and then review to see if it is a good ‘fit’ for you.

  • How often will I/we have sessions?

We usually commence with weekly sessions for the first 4 sessions, and then we may move to fortnightly sessions.  All such ‘moves’ are discussed with you.  We do not work prescriptively.

  • How will I know when I’ve had enough sessions?

Typically our clients tell us when they feel they have accomplished what they set out to when they first came for counselling.  We regularly invite reviews of the process and its benefits.  Some people reach a place of strength, resilience, peace and contentment and conclude their sessions, but find some months or years later that they are ready to grow in another area, or to a greater depth and so they return.  We are comfortable with this.

  • Why am I asked to sign a ‘contract’?

This is an agreement between you and your counsellor that spells out the parameters of the relationship you will be entering into.  We do this to ensure the very best conditions for your healing and growth are explained, understood and actioned.  These conditions include confidentiality (including conditions under which confidentiality may legally not be offered), safety, respect, fees and transparency about our own obligations to professional supervision and ongoing personal development.  This agreement may at any time be reviewed or terminated by either party.

  • Do I need a doctor’s referral?

No, no referral is required.

  • Are you part of the Better Access to Mental Health Plan? 

No, we are not part of the government Medicare rebate system.  We operate privately.

  • Can I claim on Private Medical Insurance?

As mentioned above, we operate privately and our sessions are not claimable.

  • What are our fees?

Counselling is $100 per session with a clinically registered and highly experienced counsellor.  

Professional and Clinical Supervision is $100 per session.

  • Is there parking at your rooms?

Yes, there is always parking available

  • Is there wheelchair access?

There is currently no wheelchair access, so Skype may be a good option

  • Do you offer e-Counselling or supervision by Skype?

Yes.  Contact us to discuss this and for an appointment

  • How do I book an appointment?

Ring, text or leave a message on 0417 781 331, or email info@letstalklife.com.au and we’ll be in touch with you very shortly

  • What if I want to cancel an appointment?

24 hrs notice is required for cancellations, otherwise the standard session fee is payable.  Cancellations may be made by text, email, or leaving a message on the answer phone.